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[ez-library folder="documents/2023-2024" sort="date" view="list"]
    [document date="2023-09-19" filename="speaker 2023-09-19 PMCQ v01.pptx"]English Document 1[/document]
    [document date="2023-09-19" filename="speaker 2023-09-19 PMCQ v04.pptx"]English Document 4[/document]
[ez-library folder="documents/2023-2024" sort="date" view="list"][document date="2023-09-22" filename="speaker 2023-09-19 PMCQ v02.pptx"]English Document 2[/document][/ez-library]
    [ez-library folder="documents/minutes" sort="date" view="list"]
      [document date="2014-11-01" filename="minutes Nov. 1 2014.docx"]November 2014 Minutes[/document]
      [document date="2017-04-11" filename="Minutes 11 4 17.pdf"]November 2017 Minutes[/document]
      [document date="2015-11-07" filename="meeting 7 nov 2015.doc"]November 2015 Minutes[/document]

Macro Text:

[ez-library folder="documents/minutes" sort="date" view="list"]

[document date="2014-11-01" filename="minutes Nov. 1 2014.docx"]November 2014 Minutes[/document]

[document date="2017-04-11" filename="Minutes 11 4 17.pdf"]November 2017 Minutes[/document]

[document date="2015-11-07" filename="meeting 7 nov 2015.doc"]November 2015 Minutes[/document]


[ez-library folder="documents/2023-2024" sort="date" view="list"][document date="2023-09-19" filename="speaker 2023-09-19 PMCQ v03.pptx"]French Document 3[/document][/ez-library]

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[ez-toggle title="What is a plantation?"]A plantation is a planted forest that requires management to reach a healthy and natural state. In most cases they involve conifer species such as red and white pine, spruce or cedar planted close together to ensure proper growth and form from a young age.[/ez-toggle]


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